Saturday, January 8, 2011

What The Silver Vigilantes Understand That You Probably Don’t (Arithmetic, Human Nature and other Stuff)

A MUST READ! A great article about silver. Here is how the article starts:

Sorry about the insulting headline, but every last shred of evidence I can find suggests that the most people remain utterly clueless about silver, despite the efforts of the silver vigilantes, led by Max Keiser and Mike Kreiger. Their brilliantly simple plan (go get some physical silver) promises to topple the criminally insane fraud that has become US economy. It doesn’t require politicians or regulators to lift a finger either, you simply take advantage of what is undoubtedly an artificially low price. I can completely understand anyone who is skeptical of that last statement; I’m sure you’ve been burned before, but that doesn’t mean you should stop seeking truth.
Part 1. A little math.

I’m not sure when performing basic arithmetic made you a conspiracy theorist, but here we are... CLICK HERE to read the rest of the article.

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